Back to work is not as fun as one would have thought! Thinking is bad! Drinking is bad only when too much! Smooooking cigarettes is baaad... smoke other stuff! Friends are among the only things that worth investing time and money in! Expirat does rule and Didi is always right :D! Snickers and Coca Cola are good! Most people only care for themselves! The past should remain in the past! Staying all alone for Easter should be no fun :(!... Meanwhile I have noooo idea why I wrote this in English!
ma da' ce poza vesela din expiratul in care te-ai distrat ATIT de mult ;;) :]
cit despre partea cu avutul dreptate, eu am tot incercat sa va spun, dar voi nuuuu :)))))))))))
:)))))))))))... chiar ca am ales cea mai VESELA poza posibila... si nici macar n-am cautat-o mult (de fapt mint, a fost a treia varianta) :))... pentru necunoscatoooori, nuuu, nu dormeam si nici nu eram sictirita sau suparata... imi reveneam dupa vreo 4 ore de dans... :">
intens! :D
..poate ne gandim ca erai beata ;)
Pai atunci ati gandi prost :p. Am baut eu un shot de tequila si vreo 4 cocktailuri clasice cu un nume funny (doar pentru placerea de a vedea fata lui Didi si a lui Dan atunci cand ii puneam sa o comande :">... biiiine, si pentru ca era cu rom si suc de cirese)... dar chiar a fost ok ;))... I've learned when to stop :D. No headaches next morning so alllll wazzz fine ;)!
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